CMS – Content Management Systems

A content management system is software that allows you to make changes easily to your own website. They keep track of all of the content on your website such as text, photos, music, video, documents, contact forms and more. A major advantage of using a CMS is that it requires almost no technical skill or knowledge to manage. With the CMS managing all your content, you can concentrate on adding new content to keep your site fresh.

A CMS may also allow multiple users to update the site with different levels of permissions so the site’s main administrator can stay in control of all content posted. Content Management Systems vary greatly. Some allow you to do simple updates, others are feature-rich, supporting site memberships, forums, blogs, banner ads, photo galleries and shopping carts. This has made complex sites that used to be hugely expensive affordable for the smallest of businesses. A good CMS provides a lot of value to users at surprisingly low costs.

There are hundreds of different CMS applications offered by online companies, some are reliable and well supported while others are plagued with bugs and may be out of business before you know it. XBM has chosen to work with WordPress which offers all the functions our clients need. WordPress is a proven, open source system with hundreds of thousands of users and a large support community. It’s not going anywhere for a long, long time.

Selecting the right CMS for your website is an important decision. Feel free to call or email us if you’d like to discuss what solution is right for you without any high-pressure sales pitch. Contact us today to set up a FREE 15 Minute Consultation.