Hearts & Wallets Infographic
This infographic was designed to bring some of the quantitative research this firm specializes in to life.
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This infographic was designed to bring some of the quantitative research this firm specializes in to life.
This newsletter is designed to highlight important findings from dense financial research and present it in an interesting visual style.
Salon price sheet and a sticker designed for use on bags for low cost branding.
This new sign for the salon looks great and fits the style of the historic building the salon is located in.
One-color folder design for an air duct cleaning company.
This card was designed based on an existing website and subtle color scheme.
Sell sheets designed for a Golf Affinity Association. The seven sheets stack in the media folder to form the image of a golf ball close-up. The color scheme was chosen to stand out from a sea of green used in the industry.
This promotional calendar was a great, fun project for all involved. It was a promo piece for a printer so we assigned each month to a different photographer or illustrator to give us their interpretation of that month. We got back 12 great images that allowed the printer to showcase their best work and techniques. It was a big hit and appeared in Print Magazine’s Regional Graphic Design Awards Annual.